Giuseppe Tullio
Curriculum Vitae
(last update: September 2019)
Born: in Rome, Italy on March 30, 1948
Languages: Italian, German, English perfectly, French and Portuguese fluently.
Degrees: Maturitaet Typus B "Kollegium Maria Hilf", Schwyz, Switzerland, 1966.
Laurea in Statistics and Demography, University of Rome, 1970.
M.A. in Economics, University of Chicago, Illinois, 1974.
Ph.D in Economics, University of Chicago, 1977, with a Dissertation on "Monetary Equilibrium and Balance of Payments Adjustment: An Empirical Tests of the U.S. and the Italian Balance of Payments", written under the supervision of Harry Johnson, Robert Aliber and Jakob Frenkel.
1973-77 Economist, Research Department of the Italian Central Bank (Banca d'Italia), Rome.
1978-80 Economist, International Monetary Fund, European Department and Research Department,Washington D.C.
1981-83 Economic Adviser Ministry of the Budget, Rome
1984-87 Economic Adviser, Commission of the European Communities, Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG II), Brussels, from April 1984 to July 1987.
1987-88 Deputy Director of the International Finance Section of the Research Department of the Banca d'Italia, Rome.
1989-94 Professor of Economics, University of Cagliari, Italy.
1995-99 Professor of Economics, University of Brescia, Italy.
Other professional experiences:
1981 | Head of the Italian Delegation at Working Party Three, OECD, Paris, December 1981.Lecturer on Monetary Theory and Policy at the Free University of Rome (L.U.I.S.S.) |
1982 | Lecturer of International Economics at the University of Bergamo, Italy and Lecturer of Monetary Theory and Policy at the Free University of Rome (L.U.I.S.S.) |
1982-99 | Irregular contributions to Italian financial daily or weekly newspapers and to the Wall Street Journal (see "newspaper articles" under publications). |
1983-84 | Visiting Fellow, Institute of International Economic Studies, University of Stockholm, from November 1983 to February 1984. |
1986-99 | Refereeing for European Economic Review, Journal of Banking and Finance, Economic Journal, Journal of Money Credit and Banking. |
1988-90 | Lecturer on "The International and European Monetary Systems", College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium. |
1988-98 | Associate editor, Journal of Banking and Finance |
1991 | Visiting Professor (Bundesbankprofessor) at the Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany in charge of two courses one on "Theories of the Demand for Money" and the other on "Exchange Rate Theories and the EMS", April - September. |
1993 | Visiting professor, EPGE, Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October-November. |
1994 | Was offered a Full Professorship at the Humbolt University, Berlin. |
1995 | Visiting professor, University of Campinas, Brazil, June. |
1996 | Visiting professor in charge of a course on "Inflation in open economies", University of la Plata, Argentina, March. |
1996-98 | Economic Adviser of the Russian Government for Macro Economic Policy, Moscow. Project funded by Tacis, European Commission, Brussels. The job involved monthly visits of about one week to Moscow to meet Russian ministers and high officials and advising them on monetary and exchange rate issues, fiscal policy, tax policy, economic forecasts (September 96-March 1998). |
1999 | Visiting professor, Observatoire Francais de Conjuncture Economique, University of Paris (Sciences politiques), November. |
2000-2015 | His main occupation has been to supervise the restoration of a 12th century hamlet located between Rome and Florence (Umbria) and protected by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Affairs (for more information see |
2016-2019 | The above hamlet is now a country resort with a restaurant and an organic vegetable, fruit, olive oil and truffle farm. He has been supervising their management. |
1. "La Teoria Monetaria della Bilancia dei pagamenti e del Tasso di Cambio: una Verifica per l'Italia e gli Stati Uniti" Collana "brevi saggi di economia" a cura della Banca Commerciale Italiana, Comunita', Milano, 1978.
2. "The monetary Approach to External Adjustment: A Case Study of Italy" MacMillan, London and St. Martin's Press, New York, 1981.
3. "German Macro-Economic History: 1880-1979: A Study of the effects of economic policy on inflation, currency depreciation and growth ", MacMillan, London, 1987 and St. Martin's Press, New York (with A. Sommariva).
1. "Essays in Monetary and Fiscal Policy in Italy", Academic Books, Aldershot, England, 1983 (with F. Spinelli) also published in Italian as : "Saggi di Politica Monetaria e Fiscale in Italia", Franco Angeli, 1982, Milano.
2. "Equity Markets An International Comparison", two special issues of the Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 13, no. 4/5, September 1989 and vol. 14 no. 2/3, August 1990, with G. Szego
3. "Inflation and Wage behaviour in Europe", Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996 (with Paul De Grauwe and Stefano Micossi).
A. In English
l. "The Fluctuations of the Price of Italian Banknotes in Zurich: an Econometric Analysis. (February 1973- December 1975)", in Kyklos Vol. 31, no. 3, September 1978, pp. 461-474.
2. "Monetary Equilibrium and Balance of Payments Adjustment." An Empirical Test of the U.S. Balance of Payments, 1951-1973, in Journal of Monev Credit and Banking. Vol. 11, no 1, February 1979, pp. 68-79.3. "An Empirical Note on Relative Monetary Expansion and Depreciation: the Case of the Lira-Swiss Franc Exchange Rate", in European Economic Review. vol.12, no 1, February 1979, pp. 91-100.
4. "Demand Management and Exchange Rate Policy: The Italian Experience", in IMF Staff Papers, Vol. 28, no 1, March 1981, pp. 80-117.5. "Fiscal Deficits, Monetary Growth and Inflation under flexible exchange rate: the Italian Experience", Economic Notes by Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Vol. 10, No. 3, Winter 1981, pp. 37-57.
6. "Italy's International Reserves and their Determinants in the Seventies: and Assessment of the Country Risk", Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review. March 1982, no 140, pp. 89-107 (with P. Savona).7. "Demand Management and Exchange Rate Policy: The Italian Experience, Reply to Comments by Gandolfo and Padoan" - IMF Staff Papers. Vol. 29, no 3, September 1982, pp. 475-483.
8. "The role of savings and investment in current account determination: the case of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1973-79, Kredit und Kapital. 1983, Vol. 16, Heft.3, pp. 351-370.9. “Total Domestic Credit as an Intermediate Target of Monetary Policy in Italy”, in Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy and Economic Activity: the Italian Experience, Franco Spinelli and Giuseppe Tullio (eds.), Gower, Aldershot, England, 1983 (with Alessandro Penati), pp.37-64.
10. “The Growth of Public Expenditure, Fiscal Deficits and Inflation” in Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy and Economic Activity: the Italian Experience, Franco Spinelli and Giuseppe Tullio (eds.), Gower, Aldershot, England, 1983, pp. 65-101.
11. "Long run implications of the increase in taxation and public debt for employment and economic growth in Europe" European Economic Review, Vol. 31, no 3, April 1987, pp. 741-780 (with comments by M. Feldstein and D. Begg.).
12. "A note on the real exchange rate, differential productivity growth and protectionism in gold standard Germany, 1878- 1913 ", Weltwirschaftliches Archiv, Heft 2, Band 123, no. 2, 1987 (with A. Sommariva), pp. 354-362.
13. "International gold flows in gold standard Germany: a test of the monetary approach to the balance of payments, 1880-1911", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. Vol. 20, no. 1, February 1988 (with A. Sommariva), pp. 132-140.
14. Monetary policy coordination within the EMS: Is there a rule?" in the European Monetary System, (F. Giavazzi, S. Micossi and M. Miller, eds.), Cambridge University Press, 1988 (with M. Russo). The book has been also published in Italian by Cariplo in "Saggi monetari Creditizi e Bancari", 1993. In addition the paper has appeared in "Policy coordination in the EMS", Occasional Paper no. 61, International Monetary Fund, Washington D.C., September 1998.
15. "Smith and Ricardo on the Long-Run Effects of the Increase of Government Expenditure, Taxation and Public Debt: Is their theory relevant today?", History of Political Economy, vol. 21 :4, Winter 1989, pp. 723-736.
16. "Inflation Adjusted Government Budget Deficits and their Impact on the Business Cycle: Empirical Evidence for Eight Industrial Countries" in Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, Vol. 13, March 1989, pp. 119-137 (with comments by Eisner and Pieper).
17. The German Depression and the Stock Market Crash of the Thirties: the role of Macropolicies and of the International Business Cycle" in Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 13 no. 4/5, September 1989, pp. 515-536 (with A. Sommariva).
18. A Note on The European Monetary System and the Determination of the DM - Dollar exchange rate" Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, vol. 123, 3ème trimestre 1989, pp. 329-343 (with Peter Bekx).
19 "Causes of the Development of the Private ECU and the behaviour of its interest rates", in E.M. Claasen (ed.) "International and European Monetary System", Heinemann Professional Publishing, Oxford, April 1990 (with F. Contesso), pp. 145-170.
20. "The exchange rate changes of 1992 and inflation convergence in the European Monetary System" in "European Monetary Integration: from the Werner Plan to European Monetary Union", Alfred Steinherr (editor), Longman, London, 1994, pp. 192-202 (with Paul De Grauwe).
21. "Inflation and Currency Depreciation in Germany, 1920-1923: a dynamic model of exchange rates and prices", Journal of Money Credit and Banking, vol. 27, no 2, May 1995, pp. 350-362.
22. "German Wage and Price Inflation before and after Unification" in "Inflation and Wage behaviour in Europe", De Grauwe, Micossi, Tullio (editors), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996, pp. 3-29 (with Steinherr and Buscher).
23. "The demand for Money Functions in Europe and in Germany before and after the Fall of the Berlin Wall" in "Inflation and Wage behaviour in the Europe", De Grauwe, Micossi, Tullio (editors), Oxford University Press, Oxford 1996, pp. 310-338 (with Giucca and De Souza).
24. "Currency Substitution and the Demand for Deutsche Marks before and after the fall of the Berlin Wall" in "The Macroeconomics of International Currencies: Theory, Policy and Evidence", Mizen and Pentecost, (editors), Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 1996, pp. 155-177, (with Gianna Boero), also circulated as working paper n° 96/12 by the European University Institute, Florence, 1996.
25. "Was London the conductor of the international orchestra or just the triangle player? An empirical analysis of asymmetries in interest rates behaviour during the classical gold standard, 1876-1913", Scottish Journal of Political Economy, vol. 43, September 1996, no. 4, pp. 419-443 (with Juergen Wolters).
26. "Brazilian inflation from 1980 to 1993: causes, consequences and dynamics", Journal of Latin American Studies: Cambridge University Press, vol. 28, n. 3, October 1996, pp. 635-666 (with M.Ronci)
27. "Central Bank Autonomy, the Exchange Rate Constraint and Inflation: the case of Italy", Open Economies Review, vol.8, no.1, January 1997, pp.31-49, (with M. Ronci).
28. "Why has inflation remained so low after the large exchange rate depreciations of 1992", Journal of Common Market Studies, vol.35, Sept.1997, pp. 329-346, (with A. Amitrano and Paul De Grauwe).
29. "The evolution of European Central Banks independence: an updating of the Masciandaro and Spinelli index", Scottish Journal of Political Economy, vol. 45, no.3, August 1998, pp. 341-344, (with Spinelli and Tavelli).
30. "Exchange Rate Policy and Monetary Integration in Europe and Mercosur", Nova Economia, vol. 8, no. 1, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, July 1998, pp.9-34.
31. "The demand for money and currency substitution in Russia during and after hyperinflation: 1992-96", Economiski Jurnal, vol.2, no.2, Higher School of Economics, Moskow, July 1998, pp.159-196, (with Nadia Ivanova ).
32. "Exchange Rate Policy of Central European Countries in the Transition to European Monetary Union" in "Inclusion of Central European Countries in the European Monetary Union", Paul De Grauwe and Vladimir Lavrac (eds.) Kluwer Academic Publisher, Boston, 1999.
33. "Daily Interventions by the Central Bank of Russia in the Treasury Bill Market", International Journal of Finance and Economics, vol 4, no. 3, July 1999, pp. 229-242, (with Vitaly Natarov).
34. "Interest rate linkages between the US and the UK during the classical gold standard", Scottish Journal of Political Economy, vol. 47, no.1, February 2000, pp. 61-71, (with Juergen Wolters).
35. "The Brazilian Exchange Rate Crisis of January 1999" Journal of Latin American Studies, Cambridge University Press, vol. 34, February 2002, pp. 143-164 (with Afonso Ferreira).
36. "Currency Substitution and the Stability of the Italian Money Demand before and after the Entry into the Monetary Union, 1972-1998" in International Economics and Economic Policy, vol. 1, no. 1, March 2004, pp. 73-85 (with Jürgen Wolters and Hannah Nielsen).
37. "Domestic and International Determinants of the Bank of England's Liquidity Ratio during the classical gold standard, 1876-1913: An Econometric Analysis", in Quantitative Economic Policy, Essays in Honor of Andrew Hugh Hallet, edited by R. Neck, C. Richter and P. Moorslechner, Springer Verlag, 2008 (with Juergen Wolters).
38. "Monetary Policy in Austria-Hungary, 1876-1913: An Econometric Analysis of the Central Bank's Discount Rate and the Liquidity Ratio", Open Economies Review, October 2007, vol. 18, pp. 521-537, also published online in May 2007 (with Juergen Wolters).
39. "What Went Wrong with Western Europe? An Essay on the Causes of Its Economic Decline and on Possible Remedies ", Chapter 8 of “Achieving Dynamism in an Anaemic Europe”, Luigi Paganetto (ed.), Springer International Publishing, March 2015; also published in Russian in “International Affairs, Moscow, vol. 60, n. 2, January 2014."
B. In Italian
40. "Cambi fissi o cambi flessibili", in Rassegna Economica, no. 6. Nov.- Dec. 1971, pp. 1555-1583.
41. "La bilancia dei pagamenti ed il controllo della base monetaria", chapter 10 of Elementi per la politica monetaria. edited by F. Cotula and F. De Stefani, Bulzoni, Roma, 1975 (with G. Cristini).
42. "L'effetto crowding-out ed il finanziamento della spesa pubblica", in Moneta e Credito. September 1976 (with G. Cristini).
43. "I movimenti di capitali italiani in regime di cambi fissi: una ristima del modello di Kuori e Porter", in Contributi alla Ricerca Economica del Servizio Studi della Banca d'Italia, December 1977.
44. "Le fluttuazioni della bilancia dei pagamenti italiana: una verifica empirica della teoria classica (1951-1973)" , in Moneta e Credito, no. 123, Sept. 1978, pp. 311-327.
45. "Il grado di integrazione con l'estero del mercato finanziario italiano in regime di cambi fissi e flessibili" in Note Economiche del Monte dei Paschi di Siena, no. 4, 1978, pp. 79-98.
46. "La politica monetaria statunitense durante la presidenza Carter" in L' Economia Americana e l'Amministrazione Carter, Giacomo Luciani (editor), Società Editrice Il Mulino, 1978, pp. 107-121.
47. "Le riserve internazionali e le loro determinanti negli anni settanta", Moneta e Credito, no. 138, Giugno 1982, pp. 183-204 (with P. Savona).
48. "Il credito totale interno come obiettivo intermedio della politica monetaria in Italia" in Saggi di politica monetaria e fiscale in Italia F. Spinelli and G. Tullio (editors), Franco Angeli, Milano 1982, pp. 81-118 (with Alessandro Penati).
49. "Crescita della spesa pubblica, disavanzi pubblici e inflazione" in Saggi di politica monetaria e fiscale in Italia, F. Spinelli and G. Tullio (editors), Franco Angeli, Milano 1982, pp. 119-159.
50. "Flussi monetari con l'Estero e Riserve Ufficiali" in Rapporto CNEL sulla Bilancia dei Pagamenti, 1982 (con Paolo Savona), pp. 316-352.
51. "L'impostazione della politica monetaria in Italia" in Saggi di politica monetaria in Italia, F. Spinelli and G. Tullio (eds), Franco Angeli, Milano, 1982, pp 11-20 (with F. Spinelli).
52. "Validita e limiti dei modelli applicati del tasso di cambio" in Il Sistema dei Cambi Oggi, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa (editor), Il Mulino, Bologna, 1986, also published in the review of Italian foreign exchange dealers, Spot, vol.14, Milano, March 1986, pp. 7-15.
53. "Spesa pubblica, debito pubblico, Imposte e Sviluppo Economico" in " L'Italia verso il 2000", vol. II, Confindustria, Collana Studi e Ricerche, March 1992 (with S. Micossi), pp. 57-88.
54."Squilibri di Bilancio, distorsioni economiche e performance di lungo periodo dell'economia italiana", Rivista di Politica Economica vol.82, July 1992, pp.39-91 (with S. Micossi).
55. "Il Coordinamento della Politica Monetaria nel Sistema Monetario Europeo: Esiste una Regola?" in Saggi Monetari, Creditizi e Bancari, a cura di F. Giavazzi, S. Micossi e M. Miller, Cassa di Risparmio delle Provincie Lombarde, Milano, 1992 (con Massimo Russo).
56. "Spesa Pubblica, Debito Pubblico, imposte e Sviluppo Economico?" in L'Italia verso il 2000, Vol. II, Centro Studi Confindustria, Collana Studi e Ricerche, March 1992 (with Stefano Micossi), pp. 57-88.
57. "Le conseguenze della riunificazione tedesca per il sistema monetario europeo" in "L'Economia Mondiale e l'Italia: occupazione e crescita nell'Europa del dopo Maastricht" edited by C. Ramanella and L. Paganetto, CEIS e Q8, Roma, 1994.
58. "Sistema monetario europeo" and "Sistema monetario internazionale", items of the Italian Encyclopedia Treccani, 1995, pp. 798-800.
59. ""La transizione delleconomia russa dal crollo dellUnione Sovietica fino al crollo del rublo nel 1998", in Etica e globalizzazione delleconomia;" Roberto Lombardi (ed.), Pastorale Universitaria, Diocesi di Brescia, Brescia, 1999, pp. 107-131.
60. "Convergenza Economica tra le regioni italiane: il ruolo della criminialità e della spesa pubblica". Rivista di Politica Economica, vol. 89, March 1999, pp. 77-128, (with S. Quarella ).
61. "Fra cementificazione e difesa di paesaggio e dimore storiche: il ruolo di associazioni e comitati nel difendere l'interesse pubblico". In Diomede, Rivista di Cultura e Politica dell'Umbria, vol. 10, december 2008, pp. 41-46.
62. "Uno sviluppo economico a salvaguardia dei paesaggi, dei boschi e dei borghi medievali". In Diomede, Rivista di Cultura e Politica dell'Umbria, n. 17, aprile 2011, anno VI, pag. 19-29.
63. "Esenzione degli immobili storici e limiti dello sfruttamento commerciale". In Dialoghi Tributari, n. 1/2013, gennaio-febbraio 2013, pag. 60-64 (con Raffaello Lupi).
64. "Sulle cause della bassa crescita economica in Italia e in Europa: il ruolo preponderante dell’eccessiva tassazione e dell’inefficienza della spesa pubblica", in Veneto e Nord Est, rivista della CGIA di Mestre, n. 52, ottobre 2018, pp. 9-41.
1. " Which Monetary Policy? The Debate on Monetarism ", Antonio Martino (ed.), 1984 with essays by A. Martino, D. Laidler, M. Friedman, M. Parkin and R. Masera, Economic Notes by Monte dei Paschi di Siena, no. 1, 1986, pp. 179-184.
2. "International Monetary Economics, 1870-1960. Between the Classical and the New Classical" Cambridge University press, Cambridge/New York, 1989 by June Flanders in Viertelsjahrschrift fuer Sozial- und Witschaftsgeshichte, vol. 79, Heft 2, 1992.
3."Economia e Finanza in Germania: 1876-1948", Italian translation of the book "Währung und Wirtschaft in Deutschland", edited by the Bundesbank in 1976, Ricerche Economiche, vol.43, no.3, July-September 1989, p. 399 - 402.
4."Money Demand in Europe" by Luektepohl and Wolters (eds.), Springer Verlag, Journal of Economics, (Zeitschrift fuer Nationaloekonomie), vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 218-223, June 2000.
Comments to papers in conference volumes:
1. "Comments to Prof. Aliber's paper on "Protection, Regulation and the Structure of the International Banking Industry" in "Protectionism and International Banking" Gerhard Fels and George Sutija (eds.), MacMillan, London, 1991, pp. 219-224.
2. Comments to F. Passacantando's paper on "Monetary Reforms in Italy, 1979-94", Proceedings of the Conference held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 1994 on "The Quest for Monetary Stability", Langoni, Ferrer and Ronci, (eds.), Getulio Vargas Foundation, DA Publishing, Washington DC, 1996: pp. 171-176.
Papers circulated as Discussion Papers and preliminary drafts of work still in progress:
1. "Do afler tax interest affect private consumption and savings? Empirical evidence for 8 industrial countries: 1970-1983", Economic Papers, No.51, European Commission, Brussels, December 1986 (with F. Contesso).
2. "Validity and limits of applied exchange rate models: a brief survey of some recent contributions ", Economic Papers. No. 52, European Commission, Brussels, December 1986.
3. "The determinants of the German Official Discount Rate and Liquidity Ratios during the classical gold standard: 1876-1913", Economic Papers, No.58, European Commission, Brussels, September 1987 (with A. Sommariva).
4. "Probleme bei der Schaffung einer Europaeischen Wirtschafs-und Waehrungsunion" Zentrum fuer Europaeische Studien der Universitaet Trier, Germany,1992.
5. "Macroeconomic Policy and Credibility: a comparative study of the factors affecting Brazilian and Italian inflation after 1970", EPGE Working Papers, Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro, October 1994 and OCSM - Luiss Working Papers, no. 54, Roma, December 1994.
6. "Italian Interest Rate Determination and the Role of the Europeand Monetary System" Discussion Paper n. 2, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Università di Brescia, April 1998 (with Filippo Gussago).
7. "Economic convergence of Italian regions: the role of organized crime and of public expenditures, 1960-93", Luiss University, Rome, January 2001 (with Stefano Quarella).
8. "Exchange Rate Pegs and Unemployment: a model of the Brazilian Currency Crisis of 1999", unpublished paper, Univesidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, August 2005 (with Afonso Ferreira).
9. "The Objectives of French Monetary Policy during the Classical Gold Standard, 1876-1913; an Econometric Analysis of the Determinants of the Banque de France's official Discount Rate" Discussion Paper n. 12, Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften, 2003 (with Jürgen Wolters).
10. "The Objectives of British Monetary Policy during the Classical Gold Standard, 1876-1913: an Econometric Analysis of Domestic and Foreign Determinants of Bank Rate" Discussion Paper n. 13, Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften, 2003 (with Jürgen Wolters).
11. "The Objectives of German Monetary Policy during the Classical Gold Standard, 1876-1913: an Econometric Analysis of the Determinants of the Reichsbank's officila Discount Rate" Discussion Paper n. 14, Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften, 2003 (with Jürgen Wolters).
12. "Domestic and International Determinants of Reichsbank's Liquidity Ratios during the Classical Gold Standard, 1876-1913: an Econometric Analysis", Discussion Paper no. 22, Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften, 2004 (with Jürgen Wolters).
13. "Domestic and International Determinants of the Banque of France's Liquidity Ratios during the Classical Gold Standard, 1876-1913: an Econometric Analysis", Discussion Paper no. 23, Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften, 2004 (with Jürgen Wolters).
14. "Unemployment and the credibility of exchange rate pegs: evidence from the Brazilian currency crisis of January 1999", University of Tor Vergata, Rome, CEIS paper no. 134, 2000 (with Afonso Ferreira).
A. in English
1. "Why Europe can't Generate Jobs", Wall Street Journal Europe, July 14 1987, also published in the "Wall Street Journal"
2. "What West Germany Gests out of a Monetary Union" Wall Street Journal Europe, May 25-26, 1990
B. in Italian
3. "Le vie obbligate della Previsionale", IL SOLE 24 ORE, October 24 1982 (with A.Sommariva).4. "I rischi del Marco unico", L'Unione Sarda, March 28 1990.
5. "Cosi il Debito frena la Crescita", IL SOLE 24 ORE, September 26 1991 (with S. Micossi)".
6. "Dove sbaglia la Bundesbank" IL SOLE 24 ORE, August 1 1992.
7. "Per difendere la lira c'e un' Arma Segreta" IL SOLE 24 ORE, September 2 1992.
8. "Contro il Surermarco la leva Monetaria non basta" IL SOLE 24 ORE September 12 1992.
9. "Il debito pubblico si cura solo col Fisco", IL SOLE 24 ORE, Dec. 17 1992.
10. "La stretta fiscale aiuta la ripresa" IL SOLE 24 ORE, Dec. 29 1992.
11. "Condannati a stagnare", Il Sole 24 ORE- February 20, 1993.
12. "La Bundesbank nell'occhio del ciclone SME", L'Unione Sarda, August 1st. 1993.
13. "Germania con armi spuntate", Il Sole 24 ORE, August 21st 1993.
14. "Germania: quanto costa davvero la riunificazione: con i dati truccati" by Antonello Talamanca . Interview to IL MONDO, Oct 18/25 1993.
15. "Tutti gli errori della Buba", Il Sole 24-ORE, May 5, 1994.
16. "La moneta cerca ancore", Il Sole 24-Ore, Nov. 19, 1994 (with Franco Spinelli).
17. "L' Italia al bivio fra ripresa e inflazione" Il Sole 24 ORE, January 8, 1995 (with Franco Spinelli).
18. "Le banche centrali non possono andare in pensione", Il Sole 24-Ore, March 9 1995.
19. "Poco coordinate le banche centrali" Il Sole 24-Ore, March 18 1995.
20. "Bankitalia, politica monetaria ed inflazione", Giornale di Brescia, June 8 1995 (with Franco Spinelli).
21. "Salari reali e spese inefficienti", Mondo Economico, Dec. 4 1995 (with F. Spinelli)
22. "La moneta unica non é un optional ", Mondo Economico, No. 8 Febr. 26 1996.
23. "Emergenza da shock macroeconomici", Mondo Economico, No. 10 March 11 1996.
24. "Per l'Italia Maastricht é un affare", Mondo Economico, No.12 March 25 1996.
25. "Politica monetaria stretta, Europa più vicina", Mondo Economico, No.14 April 8 1996.
26. "La riforma prima dell'UME", Il Sole 24 Ore, February 13 1997.
27. " Mezzogiorno, come uscire dal circolo vizioso", Il Sole 24 Ore, March 31, 1999 (with Stefano Quarella).
28. "Il coraggio di ridimensionare lo Stato", Il Sole 24 Ore, June 30, 1999 (with Stefano Micossi).
29. "Una decisione giusta presa per motivi sbagliati", Il Sole 24 Ore, March 3, 2000 (with Stefano Micossi).
30. "L'Unione Monetaria Europea corre il rischio depressione", Il Sole 24 Ore, February 9, 2003.
31. "Sul restauro di palazzi, castelli e monumenti incombono i burocrati. Ora i beni culturali implorano l'intervento del Parlamento", Europa Quotidiano, August 7, 2003.
32. "Perché il dollaro scenderà ancora", Europa Quotidiano, 11 aprile 2008 .
33. "A Olmeto ancora proteste per il biogasificatore", Il Messagero Umbria, page 34, July 28, 2009 (interview by Luigi Foglietti).
34. "Come arrestare la deriva: i conti che non tornano", Il Mondo, January 18, 2013.
C. in Portuguese
35. "O Brasil esta’ bem blindado", Jornal Estado de Minas, June 27, 2009 (summary of seminar held on June 24, 2009 and interview).
D. in German
36. "Rom braucht ein neues Rollenverständnis des Staates", Finanz und Wirtschaft, February 23, 2013.
1) The University of Chicago. Illinois, "The monetary approach to the balance of payments: a case study of Italy, 1951-1973" - Ph. D. Thesis Seminar, July, 1975.
2) Centro Studi di Politica Economica, Roma, "Un modello trimestrale di disequilibrio della economia italiana, alcuni risultati preliminari", February 1978.
3) Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA, "An empirical note on relative monetary expansion and depreciation: the case of the lira- Swiss Franc Exchange Rate", September 1978.
4) University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy, "The growth of public expenditure, public sector deficits and inflation: the Italian experience in the seventies", May 1981.
5) Denmark's National Bank, Copenhagen, same as point 4 above, April 1982.
6) Institute for International Economic Studies. University of Stockholm, Stockholm, "Macroeconomic Policy, Inflation and Growth: 100 years of German economic history", April 1982.
7) University of Munich, Munich, Germany, same as point 6 above, July 1982.
8) University of Bonn. Bonn, Germany, same as point 6 above, July 1982.
9) Centro Studi di politica economica. Roma, "La politica monetaria italiana negli anni settanta", November 1982.
10) University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, "Intermediate Targets of Monetary Policy and Stabilization Policies in Italy", December 1982.
11) International Seminar on Macroeconomics. organized by N.B.E.R. and Centre d'Economie Quantitative et Comparative, Paris, "Effects of destructions of the stock of capital on German economic growth in the 1950s and 1960s: Simulation with a macro model ", June 26-28, 1983.
12) Institute of International Economic Studies, University of Stockholm, "A disequilibrium model of inflation and exchange rate depreciation with currency substitution - the German hyperinflation 1919-1923.", December 1983.
13) Institute of International Economic Studies, University of Stockholm, "The Italian Economy at a Crossroad, after at least 10 years of wrong monetary and fiscal policies", January 1984.
14) Konstanz Seminar on Monetary Theory and Monetary Policy. Kostanz, Germany, same as point 12 above, 5-8 June 1984.
15)University of Louvain. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, same as point 12 above, February 1985.
16) Forex Club (Association of Italian Foreign Exchange Dealers) Milan, "Validity and Limits of Foreign Exchange Models", October 31, 1985.
17) Annual Meeting of the Italian Economic Association, Rome, as under point 16 above, November 6-7, 1985
18) Bocconi University, Milan, "The long run implications of the increase in taxation and public debt for unemployment and capital accumulation in Europe", December 2, 1985
19) University of South Carolina. USA, same as point 18 above, April 15, 1986.
20) University of Leuven. Leuven, Belgium, "Inflation Corrected Government Budget Deficits and Their Impact on the Business Cycle: Empirical Evidence for 8 Industrial Countries: 1970-1984", June 5, 1986.
21) International Seminar on Macroeconomics, organised by N.B.E.R. and Maison de Science de l'Homme, University of Namur, Belgium, same as point 18 above, June 22-24, 1986.
22) Ministry of Foreign Trade, Rome, The EMS and the liberalization of capital flows, December 18, 1986. Lecture also given on December 20, 1986 at the University of Rome.
23) European University Institute. Florence, Badia Fiesolana, 2-3 April 1987, "On the behaviour of Interest Rates of the Private ECU and Tests of Market Efficiency -Oct. 1982-Sept. 1985", Colloquium on the IMS, EMS and Plans for World Monetary Reform.
24) Free University of Brussels, Department of Economics, "The European Monetary System and the Determination of the DM-US Dollar exchange rate", Brussels, 2 June 1987.
25) Institute of International Economic Studies. University of Geneva. presentation of the book "German Macroeconomic History, 1880-1979", 10 March 1988.
26) Universities of Budapest and Pecs, Hungary "The European Monetary System in the transition toward Monetary Union", April 24 and 26, 1990.
27) Free University of Berlin "Advantages of Monetary Union in Europe", April 29 1991.
28) Free University of Berlin, "The effects of the growth of government expenditures and taxation on Italian consumption, unemployment and growth", May 1991.
29) University of Trier, Germany, "Probleme bei der Schaffung einer Europaeischen Wirtschafts and Waehrungsunion, June 11, 1991".
30) Fundacao Getulio Vargas. Rio de Janeiro "Inflation and wage behaviour in Germany before and after the German reunification", Nov. 10, 1993.
31) University of Alicante, Spain " Brazilian hyperinflation", June 10,1994.
32) University of Rome, "Italian Monetary Policy and inflation from 1992 to 1995", Rome, March 28, 1995.
33) Stockholm Business School, "Exchange Rate Changes and Monetary Policy in Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall", Stockholm, May 17 1995
34) University of Campinas, (Brazil) "Lectures on the EMS, EMU and the stability of the German and European demand for money functions", Campinas, Brazil, June 17-25, 1995.
35) Stockholm Business School , The Costs and Benefits of EMU, and panel discussion with P. De Grauwe, R. Vaubel, C.Hamilton, L. Jonung and M. Blomstrom, Dec. 11 1995.
36) European University Institute, The stability of the German Demand for Money Function before and after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Florence, January 29, 1996.
37) University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, "Exchange Rate Policy and Integration in Europe and Mercosur", paper presented at the Conference on Industry Cooperation in the Context of Regional Integration in Europe and Mercosur, December 3-4, 1996.
38) Universidat Estadual de Minas Gerais, two seminars one on my book with De Grauwe and Micossi on "Inflation and wage behaviour in Europe" and one on "The Russian Economy in transition", Belo Horizonte, June 2 and 3rd 1997.
39) University of Valencia, Spain "The Bank of Englands monetary policy from 1876 to 1913", Nov. 9 1998
40) University of Castillon, Spain "The Russian economy in transition and the origins of the August 1998 financial crisis", Nov. 10, 1998.
41) Universidat Estadual de Minas Gerais, "Why inflation has remained so low in Europe after the large depreciations of 1992-93 and some implications for Brazil", August 8 1999, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
42) Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC), "Why inflation has remained so low in Europe after the large depreciations of 1992-93 and some implications for Brazil", August 17 1999, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
43) Observatoire Francais de Conjuncture Economique (OFCE), University of Paris, "The determinants of the Banque de Frances discount rate and its liquidity ratio during the classical gold standard: an econometric analysis, 1876-1913", Paris, November 24 1999.
44) Western Economic Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, July 5-8, 2001 "Unemployment and the Credibility of Exchange Rate Pags: Evidence from the Brazilian Currency Crisis of January 1999", San Francisco, July 7th 2001.
45) Luiss University, Rome, "The currency and banking crisis in Argentina", March 21 2002
46) Universidad Cardeal Herrera, Elche, President of the doctoral dissertation committee discussing a disseratation on "Interest Rate models with Inflationary Expectations and with different Periodicity Informatin: Applications to Low and High Frequency time Series", October 25 2002.
47) Fundacao Joao Pinheiro, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, "The excessive built-in deflationary bias of the Euro: chronicle of a death foretold", August 26, 2005 (seminar held in portuguese).
48) Università della terza età di Todi, "The current world economic crisis: its causes, dynamics and consequences", November 27, 2009.
49) Fundacao Joao Pinheiro, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, "The economic crisis in Europe and the Future of the Euro", June 24 2010 (seminar held in portuguese).
50) University of Perugia, Italy, “What went wrong with Western Europe: an essay on the causes of its economic decline and on the possible remedies”, May 15 2014.
51) XXVI Villa Mondragone International Economic Seminar, Economics Foundation, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, “What went wrong with Western Europe: an essay on the causes of its economic decline and on the possible remedies”, Rome, July 1-3 2014
52) Cultural Association the Meetings of Minerva, Perugia, Italy, "Le cause della bassa crescita in Italia ed in Europa”, January 25 2019.